Australian Lutheran 1925
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Australian Lutheran 1925
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Australian Lutheran 1921-30. 1921-30. Now available for the first time on CD-ROM. &apos;The Australian Lutheran&apos; was the nationwide magazine for the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Australia (ELCA)" from 1913-1966.<br><br> It gives an amazing insight into the issues of the day and the development and role of the Lutheran Church in Australian history and also provides a large amount of information on specific events and people in the Australian Lutheran churches past in the form of notices, including many marriages, deaths and obituaries.<p></p><p>It contains a huge amount of valuable and interesting information for historians and researchers in many areas, and will prove a valuable resource for many.</p><p>This title is the second decade in a series of <i>Australian Lutheran</i> magazines ranging from 1913-1966. Following is a complete list of <i>Australian Lutheran</i> digital products.</p> <p> <a href="">The Australian Lutheran 1913-20</a><br> <a href="">The Australian Lutheran 1921-30</a><br> <a href="">The Australian Lutheran 1931-40</a><br> <a href="">The Australian Lutheran 1941-50</a><br> <a href="">The Australian Lutheran 1951-60</a><br> <a href="">The Australian Lutheran 1961-66</a><br> </p> <a href="">The Australian Lutheran 1913-66</a> - complete set of the entire <i>Australian Lutheran</i> magazines a special set price
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