Queensland Government Gazette 1859-60
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Queensland Government Gazette 1859-60
693 Datensätze
Queensland Government Gazette 1859-60. 1860. Government Gazettes contain a vast amount of historical and genealogical information. However they are largely an untapped resource. The few complete runs that are available are usually only found in major libraries.<br><br> And even for researchers who do have access to these the sheer size and extent of the Gazettes is daunting.</p><p><b>Now that is all changing</b> - with the publication of the gazettes on affordable and searchable form on CD-ROM.</p><p> Government Gazettes are a unique, useful and extremely fascinating resource for local, family and social historians and researchers in other fields throughout Australia. They were published by the government as a means of communication to officials and the general public and therefore contain information that is of great use in establishing an image of Australia and its people in the past. <br> <br> They include a range of information such as land transactions, legal notices, proclamations, insolvency and bankrupt notices, impoundments, partnerships, licences, contracts, government institutions and positions, statistics and much more.<br> <br> They have information covering a broad spectrum of the community with important details and facts on thousands of people.<br> <br> This CD includes the issues of the Queensland Government Gazette from December 1859 (the first issue) though to the end of 1860.<br> <br> <br> This product provides a great tool for researching Queensland history, making information that is difficult to find easily accessible on one CD.</p><p><i>"I&apos;m totally in awe of the potential of the Government Gazette project ... the accessibility, ease of use ... having done the hard slog through many original volumes" - </i>Greg Slattery, South Australian historian.</p>
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