Records And Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, Massachusetts, Volume 1, 1636-1656 (1911)
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In Records And Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, Massachusetts, Volume 1, 1636-1656 (1911) suchen
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Records And Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, Massachusetts, Volume 1, 1636-1656 (1911)
1.027 Datensätze
Records And Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County, Massachusetts (1911). "Three hundred copies printed."<br><br>Edited by George Francis Dow<br><br>These courts were held at Salem 1636-1641, and at Salem and Ipswich 1641-1692.<br><br> The records of sessions at the latter town are wanting before 1646<br><br>Another transcript of the earlier part of the material was printed in the Essex antiquarian, v. 3-13, 1899-1909<br><br>CLICK ON WEB ADDRESS TO REACH VOL. 1 OF THIS DOCUMENT<br><br>v.1. 1636-1641 -- v.2. 1652-1662 -- v.3. 1662-1667 -- v.4. 1667-1671 -- v.5. 1672-1674 -- v.6. 1675-1678 -- v.7. 1678-1680 -- v.8. 1680-1683
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