Nottingham 1853 History, Directory & Gazetteer
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Nottingham 1853 History, Directory & Gazetteer
780 Datensätze
Nottingham 1853 Hist, Directory & Gazetteer. 1853. <p>Officially named <i>Nottinghamshire History, Directory and Gazetteer of the County, and of the Town and County of the Town of Nottingham</i>,<br><br> this book contains a general history and description of the town of Nottingham and county of Nottinghamshire. </p> <p>Also contained in this book is a list of magistrates, public officers, and seats of the nobility and gentry. An alphabetical directory of individuals, their address and occupation is also included, as well as a Professions & Trades directory and street directory of Nottingham.</p> <p>Various Parishes and Hundreds such as Radford Parish and Broxtow Hundred are also included in this book. Some contain alphabetical directories and trade directories.</p>
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